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Kid Smart AI Dashboard

The Kid Smart AI Dashboard is your central hub for managing API access, monitoring usage, and controlling user permissions. This guide will walk you through the key features and best practices for using the dashboard effectively.

Key Features

  1. API Key Management
  2. Usage Monitoring
  3. User Administration

1. API Key Management

Requesting API Keys

Each API key is associated with a specific project and has independent rate limits.

To request a new API key:

  1. Navigate to the "API Keys" section in the dashboard.
  2. Click on "Request New API Key".
  3. Enter a name for your project (e.g., "StoryTime App").
  4. Select a duration of the key (30 days, 90 days, or 365 days)
  5. Submit and your key will be immediately created and ready for use.

⚠️ Important Security Warning: API keys are secrets that grant access to your account. Never share your API keys or expose them in client-side code (browsers, apps). Always store API keys securely on your server and use environment variables or a secure key management system.

Managing Existing Keys

You can view, rename, or revoke existing API keys from the dashboard. If you suspect a key has been compromised, revoke it immediately and request a new one.

2. Usage Monitoring

The Usage Monitoring section provides insights into your API consumption:

  • API Calls: Track the number of API requests made over time.
  • Costs: Monitor the associated costs for your API usage.
  • Rate Limit Status: View your current usage against your rate limits.

To access usage data:

  1. Go to the "Usage" section in the dashboard.
  2. Select the desired time range (e.g., last 7 days, last month).
  3. Choose the specific API key or view aggregated data across all keys.

Use this information to optimize your API usage and plan for scaling your application.

3. User Administration

Add team members to your organization's dashboard for collaborative management:

  1. Navigate to the "Users" section.
  2. Click "Add New User".
  3. Enter the email address of the user you want to add.
  4. Select the appropriate role (e.g., Admin, Viewer).
  5. Click "Send Invitation".

An email invitation will be sent to the provided address. Once accepted, the new user can access the dashboard based on their assigned role.

User Roles

  • Admin: Full access to create API keys, view usage, and manage users.
  • Viewer: Can view API keys and usage data but cannot make changes.

Regularly review and update user access to maintain security.

Best Practices

  1. Create separate API keys for different projects or environments (e.g., development, staging, production).
  2. Regularly review your API usage to optimize costs and performance.
  3. Implement proper error handling in your applications to manage rate limits effectively.
  4. Rotate API keys periodically as part of your security best practices.
  5. Limit dashboard access to only necessary team members and review access regularly.

For any questions or support needs regarding the dashboard, please contact our support team at