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Arpabet Phonetic Alphabet

Arpabet is a phonetic transcription code developed by Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) for representing phonemes of General American English with distinct sequences of ASCII characters. It is widely used in speech recognition and text-to-speech systems.

We can customize the model to provide phonetic analysis in any phonetic alphabet upon request.

Vowel Sounds

ArpabetIPAExample WordArpabet TranslationDescription
AAɑbalm, botB AA M, B AA TOpen back unrounded vowel
AEæbatB AE TNear-open front unrounded vowel
AHʌbuttB AH TOpen-mid back unrounded vowel
AOɔstoryS T AO R IYOpen-mid back rounded vowel
AWboutB AW TDiphthong /a/ + /ʊ/
AYbiteB AY TDiphthong /a/ + /ɪ/
EHɛbetB EH TOpen-mid front unrounded vowel
ERɝbirdB ER DR-colored vowel
EYbaitB EY TDiphthong /e/ + /ɪ/
IHɪbitB IH TNear-close near-front unrounded vowel
IYibeatB IY TClose front unrounded vowel
OWboatB OW TDiphthong /o/ + /ʊ/
OYɔɪboyB OYDiphthong /ɔ/ + /ɪ/
UHʊbookB UH KNear-close near-back rounded vowel
UWubootB UW TClose back rounded vowel

Consonant Sounds

ArpabetIPAExample WordArpabet TranslationDescription
BbbuyB AYVoiced bilabial stop
CHchinaCH AY N AHVoiceless postalveolar affricate
DddieD AYVoiced alveolar stop
DHðthyDH AYVoiced dental fricative
FffightF AY TVoiceless labiodental fricative
GgguyG AYVoiced velar stop
HHhhighHH AYVoiceless glottal fricative
JHjiveJH AY VVoiced postalveolar affricate
KkkiteK AY TVoiceless velar stop
LllieL AYLateral approximant
MmmyM AYBilabial nasal
NnnighN AYAlveolar nasal
NGŋsingS IH NGVelar nasal
PppieP AYVoiceless bilabial stop
RɹryeR AYAlveolar approximant
SssighS AYVoiceless alveolar fricative
SHʃshySH AYVoiceless postalveolar fricative
TttieT AYVoiceless alveolar stop
THθthighTH AYVoiceless dental fricative
VvvieV AYVoiced labiodental fricative
WwwiseW AY ZLabial-velar approximant
YjyachtY AA TPalatal approximant
ZzzooZ UWVoiced alveolar fricative
ZHʒpleasureP L EH ZH ERVoiced postalveolar fricative

Common Words with Arpabet Translations

WordArpabet Translation
oddAA D
atAE T
hutHH AH T
oughtAO T
cowK AW
hideHH AY D
cheeseCH IY Z
hurtHH ER T
ateEY T
greenG R IY N
pingP IH NG
oatOW T
toyT OY
hoodHH UH D
twoT UW
yieldY IY L D
seizureS IY ZH ER

Usage Notes

  1. Stress marks can be added after vowels:

    • 0 = no stress
    • 1 = primary stress
    • 2 = secondary stress
  2. Example with stress marks:

    • "dictionary" = D IH1 K SH AH0 N EH2 R IY0
  3. Arpabet is case-sensitive; always use capital letters.